Santiago de Quito Medical Team

Category: Other Projects | 31 May 2001

Santiago de Quito Medical Team

Project in collaboration with:

• D.N.S.P.I. Dirección Nacional de Salud de los Pueblos indígenas
• Dr. Giovanna Colturi, Child Hospital of Sondrio - Italy

LOCATION: Santiago de Quito - Canton Colta - Chimborazo Province

DATE: 29-30-31 May 2001


CARE PROVIDED: General medicine, gynecology, psychology, dentistry.

Visitation record:

Lack of personal hygiene is a main problem:

People do not wash and many health problems are directly related to negligence. Causes include:

- Lack of water in homes
- Inability to easily access water necessary for cooking
- Cold weather due to high altitude

The most common diseases, dermatological and dental, are directly connected to parasitosis.

Variety in food is another problem: the diet is low in fruits and proteins and the majority of people eat only what they are able to grow (wheat, potatoes).

Many children do not attend school because their parents prefer them to work. Unofficial numbers indicate that, in the area of Santiago de Quito, the percentage of children who did not go to school regularly is 35%. Illiteracy is widespread, especially among the elderly, many of whom speak only the native Quechua.

Many women do not know their age and are extremely sensitive. Their husbands often speak for them, even on strictly personal matters.


Nurse at work People waiting

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