Presentation Videos of some of the schools of Guagua project

Category: Guagua Program | 16 April 2014

Presentation Videos of some of the schools of Guagua project

From today are available in our website and in our you tube, videos of presentation of some of the schools on which Ayuda Directa works on the Guagua program.

With those little clips, we hope that we can show you the daily life in those rural schools that we help. In order for you to get closer a little bit to the life of those kids that a lot of you are still supporting and why not, touch you a bit.

A special thanks to Berta Leyva and Jonatan Fernández Sanz for the excellent video and edition work that they've done with the help of the kids of La Esperanza.
Thanks to all the volunteers for the translation and subtitling of those videos.


Ambrosio Lasso

Columbe Grande

San Carlos de Tipín

San José de Pinipala

Tepeyac Bajo

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