
Category: Other Projects | 31 December 2001


During Christmas 2001, we implemented the following projects in Ecuador:

- Gifts for each child in the Guagua program (education sponsorships providing pens, pencils, calculators, watches, etc.)

- Gifts for each child enrolled in classes with a sponsored teacher (e.g., pencils, soccer ball)

- Supplies given to single mothers living in the Institute María de Bethlehem in Conocoto. The girls have created clothes with a canvas, they showed us on December 23.

- Provided lunch at the same Institute on December 23, 2001

- On December 22 we brought a small medical team from Quito. Four physicians provided care for about 100 "niños de la calle" (street children). The children received the treatment and medication they needed.

- On December 31 we organized a dinner for a hospice in Riobamba.

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