Bathrooms and laundry in Chacabamba Chico Cagrín

Category: The Esperanza Project | 10 September 2013

Bathrooms and laundry in Chacabamba Chico Cagrín

The construction of 32 family bathrooms and 30 laundry facilities in the communities of Chacabamba Chico Cagrin, Cantón Colta and Provincia de Chimborazo have been finished. In total, 161 bathrooms have been constructed by Ayuda Directa in the region.

The project has been executed successfully thanks to generous contributions to Ayuda Directa, the work of 5 local master bricklayers and the cooperation of the community residents.

This project aims to improve hygienic and sanitary conditions and to promote health in general.

On September 10th of 2013, we officially delivered the bathrooms to their owners after verifying that all was well done and the beneficiaries were satisfied.


Alejandro Tomarema Alonso Guaman Caba Angel Francisco Ashqui Lliguin Antonio Caba Guaman Antonio Mullo Tomarema Emilio Mullo Tomarema Eugenio Mullo Caba Eugenio Mullo Caba Gregorio Tomarema Catholic Church Evangelic church Joaquin Caba Joaquin Caba Caba Joaquin Caba Miranda Joaquin Caba Miranda Joaquin Caba Joaquin Tomarema Josè Alejandro Daquilema Guaman Josè Gualli Caba Josè Gualli Caba Josè Guaman Mullo Juan Caba Gualli Juan Gualli Caba Juan Manuel Guaman Caba Juana Guaman Mullo Luis Alberto Caba Lema Luis Alberto Caba Lema Manuel Guaman Caba Manuel Guaman Caba Manuel Teodoro Caba Guaman Manuel Tomarema Chafla Manuel Tomarema Chafla Marguerita Caba Gualli Marguerita Caba Gualli Maria Rosa Auquilla Maria Rosa Auquilla Miguel Mullo Paucar Miguel Mullo Paucar Raul Caba Guaman Rosa Caba Caba Rosa Caba Gualli Rosa Caba Gualli Samuel Patricio Tomarema Caba Samuel Patricio Tomarema Caba Alejandro Tomarema

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