Biological Filter

Category: The Esperanza Project | 6 November 2015

Biological Filter

The 5th and 6th of November 2015 a group of environmental engineering students from the Public University of Ecuador have completed the construction of a biological filter that is used for the purification of the water coming from the cheese factory, the laundry and the touristic choza.

The activity, started in the first months of 2015, was planned and coordinated by professor Daniel Ruilova, whom today has worked with the people of the community and the following students:

Nathaly Hinojoza
Karol Michelle Lopez
Bryan Omar Flores
Mishell Lara
Ricardo Mena
Joaquin Naranjo
Pablo Chiquitarco
Alison Gonzalez
Edison Criollo
Jorge Javier Naranjo
Diego Jonatan Alarcon
Diana Paola Lagla Taipe


Biofiltro 06-11-2015 Biofiltro 06-11-2015 Biofiltro 06-11-2015

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