Evaluation of Chakras'Biodiversity project

Category: The Esperanza Project | 24 June 2010

Evaluation of Chakras'Biodiversity project

Taking advantage of the end of the school year of Colta area's institutes, with whose Ayuda Directa and Cemoplaf have signed an agreement about biodiversity; we've realized a meeting to evaluate the project.

In that meeting, the rector and coordinating teacher of every school were attending. Health engineers of Cemoplaf presented their annual report of activities for 2009-2010, after that a SWOT was done to show the strengths and weaknesses of the project.
Every rector had the opportunity to express their ideas, enhancements or changes in the activities of the project, coming to important conclusions.

The objective of the Chakras project is to work on alimentation health of the area by training the students in various agricultural themes, always based on organic principles and care of the environment.

After the meeting we all shared a lunch together.


Rectores de algunos colegios del Cantón Colta Atentos a la presentación Aida conversa con los presentes sobre el programa de adolescentes que Cemoplaf va desarrollando durante 2 años

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