The Esperanza Project
Our sustainable development program takes the name of La Esperanza which is the indigenous community where we began our work in late 2002. The main objective is to provide means and capabilities to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of some communities of Colta, Province Chimborazo, Ecuador. All projects seek to exploit and strengthen the resources and potentialities available in the territory respecting the environment, culture and traditions.
Some of the main results that have been achieved so far are:
- The creation of micro-finance system in the village which provides micro-credits to households.;
- The construction of a community cheese factory; as well as training in production and marketing of cheeses;
- The organization of a community based tourism to accommodate 11 tourists;
- The health improving communities through the construction of sanitary facilities in 284 families
A day dedicated to the Pachamama (nature)
An ecology day with all of the students of Esperanza was organized. The day began with the screening of a video to raise awar... follow »
Renovated bathrooms in Esperanza´s school
Thanks to funds raised for the new Guagua project, we are now able to provide maintenance and renovation on the bathrooms in ... follow »
Medical visits to villages
Thanks to the presence of Richard, an Italian gastroenterologist, we were available in various communities in the province of... follow »
Pedestrian bridge in Llin Llin
Today marked the inauguration of the new pedestrian bridge in Llin Llin. The bridge will allow students of the Agricultural I... follow »
Berlin - Presentation of the documentary "Cambiando el cambio"
The documentary Cambiando el Cambio, filmed last year in Esperanza and directed by three of our volunteers, will be presented... follow »
Inauguration of the new classroom of Columbe Grande
As of today, the elementary school of Columbe Grande (province of Chimborazo, Ecuador) has a new classroom. This project was ... follow »
Solar energy
In Esperanza, we are experimenting with a new solar cooker, kindly donated by our German subsidiary. follow »
Christmas party in Esperanza
Today in Esperanza, the annual Christmas party was held for all of the children of the various schools in the region (Esperan... follow »
New bathrooms
Today we completed construction on the new bathrooms in the village of Chacabamba Quishuar, Canton Colta, Province of Chimbor... follow »
New beds for the kids of Esperanza´s kindergarten
Thanks to the help of Pierino, who has returned to Ecuador for the third time, Esperanza´s 'Wawa Wasi' (kinde... follow »
New Sinks in Esperanza
Today was the inauguration of 45 new sinks in the village of Esperanza. The sinks were constructed by local masons in reinfor... follow »
New Classroom of Columbe Grande
A new classroom is in the process of being built for the school Columbe Grande, Province of Chimborazo. Thanks to funds provi... follow »
Bathrooms of Quishuar Alto
Construction ended today on 10 toilets in the village of Quishuar Alto, Canton Colta, Chimborazo Province. The project was ca... follow »
Summer project with volunteers from Reed College, Oregon, USA
From August 3-19, 2011 we were accompanied by nine volunteers from Reed College in Portland, USA. During the week they assist... follow »
Premiere of the film "Cambiando el Cambio"
Thursday the 4th of August 2011, 8:30pm Cinema "Ocho y Medio" ( Valladolid N24 353 y Viz... follow »
New projects
Since May 2011, we have started the following projects: - Construction of 50 family bathrooms in the communities of Quishuar ... follow »