
Boletín Informativo Agosto 2017

Aquí encontrarán el Boletín Informativo #9 del proyecto Reconstruyendo Sueños por Manabí. ... follow »

Taller de Formación de Formadores

Desde el mes de julio hemos trabajado en el marco del programa Guagua. Este incluye un proceso de Formación de Formado... follow »

Inauguration of the cheese factory and community tourism center of La Esperanza

On May 13, 2017, with the presence of the Mayor of Colta, the father Antonio Polo parish priest of Salinas de Bolivar, other ... follow »

New toilets in Chacabamba Centro

Today, 15 new toilets were delivered to the families of Chacabamba Centro, Cantón Colta, Province of Chimborazo. With ... follow »

Micro creditos

Sigue la entrega de micro créditos directamente a través de la Caja de Ahorro y Crédito de La Esperanza.... follow »

Construction of 18 houses in Don Juan

It has started the countdown to the beginning of the construction of 18 houses for homeless families affected by the earthqua... follow »

Post-earthquake activities - Newsletter January 2017

Latest news from the project Por Manabí: in the month of December 16 houses were assigned to the families of Bellavist... follow »

Post-earthquake Activities - Newsletter November 2016

It is available the Newsletter of November 2016 describing what has been done within the project Por Manabi in the Bellavista... follow »

New courtyard in the school of Zazapud

Ayuda Directa contributed to the construction of a new courtyard in the school "Pedro Ignacio Lizarzaburu" of Zazap... follow »

Newsletter October 2016

Activities in the area of the earthquake of April 16, 2016 are going on. Download the Newsletter N. 5 of October 2016 (in Spa... follow »

Culturally appropriate delivery room of the Hospital of Colta

We cooperated in the equipment of the culturally appropriate delivery room in the Hospital of Colta (Chimborazo Province) wit... follow »

Finished the work of the second "Choza"

Choza in the local language Kichwa means house or hut. It is the traditional house built of mud and straw. In La Esperanza, w... follow »

Newsletter Number 4 September 2016

Here you can download the newsletter of activities of the month of September, made by the "Manabiproject" in the co... follow »

Ancora e sempre Aprile por Milli Martinelli

Domingo 14 de de Agosto de 2016, a las 21 horas en el Palazzo de Simoni, Via Buon Consiglio n. 25, Bormio (Sondrio - Italia) ... follow »

Flea market in Bormio (SO)

Today August 7, 2016 it took place in Bormio (Sondrio Province) the traditional flea market where Ayuda Directa was present w... follow »

Manabi project goes ahead

Here you can download the last newsletters in PDF format of the activities undertaken so far (in Spanish): - Boletín ... follow »

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