New beds for the kids of Esperanza´s kindergarten
Thanks to the help of Pierino, who has returned to Ecuador for the third time, Esperanza´s 'Wawa Wasi' (kinde... follow »
New Sinks in Esperanza
Today was the inauguration of 45 new sinks in the village of Esperanza. The sinks were constructed by local masons in reinfor... follow »
New Classroom of Columbe Grande
A new classroom is in the process of being built for the school Columbe Grande, Province of Chimborazo. Thanks to funds provi... follow »
Transfer of our headquarters in Quito
On November 15, 2011, after about six years, we have closed our volunteer house in Quito. At the same time, we have moved the... follow »
Work in progress to Pinipala
The new school kitchen of Pinipala, Chimborazo Province, has been completed and is already in use. The bathrooms have also be... follow »
Building a classroom in Chisaló, Cotopaxi Province
The construction of a classroom in the village of Chisaló (Cotopaxi province) was completed after a year of hosting th... follow »
Bathrooms of Quishuar Alto
Construction ended today on 10 toilets in the village of Quishuar Alto, Canton Colta, Chimborazo Province. The project was ca... follow »
Summer project with volunteers from Reed College, Oregon, USA
From August 3-19, 2011 we were accompanied by nine volunteers from Reed College in Portland, USA. During the week they assist... follow »
Premiere of the film "Cambiando el Cambio"
Thursday the 4th of August 2011, 8:30pm Cinema "Ocho y Medio" ( Valladolid N24 353 y Viz... follow »
Medical examinations in Sigchos and in Chisaló
Thanks to the presence of Doctor Enzo Bertamini, who has returned to Ecuador for the fifth time, we have implemented the foll... follow »
New projects
Since May 2011, we have started the following projects: - Construction of 50 family bathrooms in the communities of Quishuar ... follow »
Environmental project in Esperanza
Esperanza is currently implementing a new environmental project. With the cooperation and initiative of our German civil serv... follow »
Medical activities in Cantón Colta
In April of 2011, German gynecologist Martin Frank returned for the fourth time to provide multiple medical services, which w... follow »
Guagua Convention 2011
On April 16, 2011, we met in Papallacta (near Quito) with the coordinators of the Guagua program to discuss the current state... follow »
New Meeting Room Esperanza
On April 17, 2011, we presented a new meeting room to the community of Esperanza, built with the support of the Bagni di Borm... follow »
Fund Raising Activities 2011
March 19, 2011 - On St. Joseph´s Day, or Father's Day, a group of friends of Ayuda Directa organized a sale of hom... follow »