
Medical Brigade in Esperanza

A Medical Brigade came to La Esperanza, Colta's area with the collaboration of Cemoplaf, a doctor volunteering and two G... follow »

LA NUEVA UNION - New Union project goes forward

In the past two months were done several steps forward in the project co-financed by Bolzano's Province. In other thi... follow »

Activities to recollect founds 2010

-On April the 23rd of 2010 - Presentation of Ayuda Directa in Premana (Lecco - Italy) -On June the 27th of 2010 - "Wa... follow »

Medical Brigade in Llin LLin

The Medical Brigade came to Duchicela Shyri XII ' institute, located in the Llin LLin community, Colta's area. This... follow »

Delivery of an electric pump in Pulucate's secondary school

Thanks to the funds collected by the employees of Imat S.p.A. (Italy) was acquired and installed an electric pump that will b... follow »

Gahuijón's classroom

On February the 24th of 2010 the works began to build a new classroom for Gahuijón 'secondary school. This sch... follow »

Farming Day

Farming day happened in Duchicela Shyri XII' s Institute in Llin Llin's community of Colta's area, with the pa... follow »

Game atelier in Chone

Our hope is that kids from Guagua's Programm are having fun and spend good moments far away from daily problems.During o... follow »

2010 Guagua Convention

During the weekend of spring equinox we've met in Mindo with all the coordinators of the Guagua Program that is in progr... follow »

Workshop"I love my Pachamama and no not contamine"

During the last week of February and the first of March we've done the workshop "I love my Pachamama and do not con... follow »

Training in Organic Agriculture in Cagrin Chacabamba Chico Community

The community of Cagrín Chacabamba Chico (Colta's area) has an extension of the Chimborazo agricultural institute... follow »

Continuation of "Chakra" - schoolgarden project

The Project "Chakras", which improves the nutrition and health in Canton Colta, startet in 2008 and will continue a... follow »

Merry Christmas

The 23 of december, we were celebrating Christmas with the whole community. We had a nice party and there have been presents ... follow »

visitation of the children from the "Guagua-Programm" in Esmeraldas

In the last weeks we visited all children of Esmeraldas, wich were financially supported from the "Guagua Project".... follow »

Esperanza - Educación

Because of the work of our voluteers, specialised classed in maths, english and physics could be realized in the schools of E... follow »

Awards Ceremony for the winners of the We Save the Planet drawing competition

The five best drawings out of 300 were selected among the kids of our Guagua Program. The five winning works are shown below.... follow »

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