Anti-parasites campain in schools of the area
As a first activity to start classes, a deworming campaign was done in the schools of the following communities: Cochaloma, E... follow »
Nutrition workshop in Santiago de Quito's Institute
Taking advantage of the beginning of school year in the institutes of Colta's area and the quinoa’s harvest period... follow »
Walk with kids from Wawa Wasi
Entertainment for the little ones! This day was a lot of joy for the kids on kinder garden (wawa wasi), they had the oppor... follow »
Wool gathering centre in Cochaloma
The wool gathering centre was inaugurated in Cochaloma! The project will allow farmers of the area to sell their wool dire... follow »
New car for Ayuda Directa
Fron August the 23rd we have a new car that will help going from one place we have a project on to another. follow »
Harvest of kid's garden
It's time to harvest! The school's orchard is ready for the kids of wawa wasi to get the products that earth is giv... follow »
Anti-Parasites for the cows of Cagrín's community
We are continuing the agriculture training days in Colta's communities, this time it was Cagrín Buena Fe communit... follow »
Medical support to the old one of La Esperanza
On the first days of August, thanks to Doctor Enzo Bertamini, we have dne a medical campaign in La Esperanza (Colta's ar... follow »
Savings and Loans Ñukanchik Kawsay
On Tuesday the 10th of August 2010 in La Esperanza, were created the bases to constitute the Savings and Loans rural bank of ... follow »
Vitamins and Anti-Parasites for Esperanza's cows
As part of the agricultural program, training was done in Esperanza's community about cows health with the aim to bring ... follow »
Information about Llin Llin and Esperanza Medical Brigades
From Anja Himmels and Verena Langerbeins We came to Ecuador with the idea to glance a bit of the life and culture of nativ... follow »
Evaluation of Chakras'Biodiversity project
Taking advantage of the end of the school year of Colta area's institutes, with whose Ayuda Directa and Cemoplaf have si... follow »
Nutrition debates
Our last activity within the convention signed between Cemoplaf, Ayuda Directa and institutes of Colta's area was to pro... follow »
Visits to Salinas de Bolívar
Salinas community, located in Bolívar's area, is since 1970 supported by foreign volunteers and Salesian Mission,... follow »
LA NUEVA UNION - Big party for the inauguration of the classroom
The classroom multi-usage is ready, quite big and adaptable to different activities. This room will be used every day by the ... follow »
Days in the jungle with kids from La Esperanza and Cochaloma
In order to finish the theatre project , we went with 24 kids from the communities of La Esperanza and Cochaloma for few days... follow »